Simon Réby
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    Simon Réby est collaborateur au sein du département droit social.


    Il intervient tant en matière de conseil qu’en contentieux, dans les domaines des relations individuelles et collectives de travail ainsi que de la sécurité sociale.

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    Prior to joining the firm, Simon completed an internship in the employment law department of Ginestié Magellan Paley-Vincent law firm and then, at Dentons, in Paris.


    Before, he completed his PPI internship in employment law within Sopra Steria’s legal direction in Paris. During his Master 2, he completed a one-year work-study program in the Human Resources department of Bayard SA, in Lyon.

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    Educational background

    Work-study program in labor law and social engineering, Institut d’études du travail, University of Lyon 2;


    Master 1 Employment law, Institut d’études du travail, University of Lyon 2.


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