Employment Law

Sekri Valentin Zerrouk listens to its clients to anticipate and resolve their complex challenges

"Turning a constraint into an opportunity. That's the mantra of Sekri Valentin Zerrouk's employment law team.”

Whether dealing with complex operations or day-to-day issues, the social team places its customers' business issues at the heart of its concerns, and strives to implement secure legal solutions in harmony with the operational needs and culture of each company.

Advice on employment law

We support numerous French and international companies in managing their day-to-day labor law issues.


To achieve this, we place our customers’ needs at the heart of our mission. Our attentive listening and personalized approach ensure that we fully understand each client’s specific concerns, and that our advice is in harmony with each company’s vision and strategy.


Our team of specialized lawyers also excels in developing creative and innovative solutions. In an ever-changing environment, we take a proactive approach to anticipating legal trends and developing innovative strategies to protect our clients’ interests.

Restructuring and Plan for Safeguarding Employment (PSE)

When it comes to managing complex operations, legal certainty is our top priority. Comprising a team of experts attentive to the constant evolution of the law, the firm’s employment law team assists its clients with restructuring, downsizing and collective bargaining, right through to decision-making and implementation, while remaining as close as possible to the culture and sensitivities of each client.


Sekri Valentin Zerrouk is ranked by Décideurs magazine as one of the firms with a strong reputation in restructuring, redundancy plans and related litigation, as well as in social security law and the social management of M&A and social audits.

Occupational injuries and prevention of psychosocial risks

We work alongside industrial and service companies to manage workplace accidents, sometimes fatal, and occupational illnesses. We also train and educate our clients in a constructive approach to corporate relations. We firmly believe in a preventive approach to human resources management and labor law.


Working closely with our clients, we identify potential risks upstream and implement strategies to prevent them. Our pragmatic approach guarantees concrete results, saving time and resources for our clients.

Social litigation

When our clients are summoned to appear before labor law, criminal labor law and social security law courts, our team takes charge of their cases, giving them peace of mind so they can concentrate on running their business. Confident in the teamwork between lawyer and client, we plead in order to win.


Sekri Valentin Zerrouk is ranked by Décideurs magazine as a firm with a strong reputation and a reputable practice in high-risk litigation and criminal labor law respectively.

Harassment investigation

Concerned with contributing to a harmonious working environment and relations within companies, the team naturally intervenes when difficulties arise and create the need to investigate within organizations.


Backed by a strict code of ethics and the framework laid down by the French Bar Association, our team conducts investigations within a secure framework, with complete  impartiality, and guaranteeing the protection of our clients’ interests.

In-house training

Firmly committed to an educational and preventive approach, our team regularly provides in-company training on sensitive subjects, such as managing toxic personalities, privacy in the workplace, gender equality, the criminal liability of managers, and the management of serious and fatal accidents in the workplace.


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