Specialists in Franco-American relations

The partner of choice for individuals and companies doing business between France and the United States

Sekri Valentin Zerrouk’s strong and privileged partnerships with leading US law firms enable it to work on complex cases involving both jurisdictions.


The firm advises and litigates with French subsidiaries of US groups on all their issues, including tax, contracts and employment law.


The firm’s teams also assist American companies carrying out M&A transactions in France, and French companies and entrepreneurs carrying out transactions with an American counterpart.


A member of the Paris and New York Bars, Jérôme Assouline is in charge of the firm’s tax practice, and has developed particular expertise in Franco-American tax relations. The wealth tax team assists numerous American families owning property in France or residing in France. In this context, it has developed in-depth knowledge of American trusts and corporations (LLCs, LLPs, partnerships, etc.) and their tax treatment in France.


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